Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I died a week ago.  I had a good life made really special by my mom.  The Mom-boo.  She was always so kind, loving and supportive.  She has cancer, which is sad.  I caught the cancer too.  I was diagnosed with a sarcoma on Wednesday, and died on Monday.  Cancer is super evil...

My last weekend was hard.  I became so feeble that I collapsed three times.   My brother Lou shared his anti convulsant drugs with me which helped me through the weekend.  Mom and Dad took me to Napa so I could spend my last days in the place I loved so much: Camp Spence.  It wasn't easy, but I wouldn't have traded the last weekend with people I love and who love me for anything.  I rallied as best I could which gave my family a chance to say goodbye.  It wasn't a good weekend as weekends go, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I got to see Allen and Jacalyn, who love me a lot and I love them.   I got to walk through the vineyards on Howell Mountain, which is so special.  And I rode in the truck with my head out the window for miles smelling the world as it went by.  So good.

When we got home on Sunday I fainted in the family room.  Dad thought I had died.  He called to me to bring me back to the living for a few more hours.  Kyla and Mark came over to visit Sunday afternoon which made me very happy.  We sat together ion the family room with Mark petting my ears and head.  It felt good and helped me forget the pain and discomfort of the cancer for a while.

Dad stayed with me in the family room Sunday night to keep me company and comfort me through my last hours.  On Monday morning we walked out into the front yard so I could relieve myself.  I laid down in the cool grass to rest when Kathy Pauly and Mack game by.  I was so excited I barked at them and stood up.  Kathy gave me a few cookies which I always loved getting from her.  Thank-you for my last meal.

Later Dad drove me to the vet.  We took it easy with the window of the truck open for me to smell the world going by.  I had trouble getting my nose to the window, but I could see the gorgeous mountains as we drove along 280 and onto 92 East.  We got the vet and I walked proudly and dignified into the back of the clinic for the last time.  So many people there were sad because they knew I didn't have any more time.  They were kind to me and let me go to sleep.  I had a good life.