Monday, April 29, 2013

Mom's body got really hot when she was trying to watch a movie with Dad last night.  Mom is almost never crabby.  I guess when her body gets so warm it makes her unhappy.  I hate that.  She went to bed to try to go to sleep to feel better.  Dad opened windows and turned on a fan to cool her down.  It seemed to help and she went to sleep.

Usually Mom sings in the morning even though Dad says she can't carry a tune in a basket.  I think it's pretty and it makes everyone in the house very happy especially Mom.  Dad says that when Mom is happy the whole family is happy.  I guess so.  I just know that when Mom is happy she pets me and walks me, which makes me very happy.  Today she didn't walk me. She seemed in good spirits when she went to work this morning although she didn't sing to us.

Dad is packing for a trip to Virginia.  He will be gone Tuesday through Thursday.  I won't miss him too much because it means more room for me on the bed to sleep with Mom to protect her from the cancer hurting her.

 I also heard Mom tell Dad that Aunt Jackie will be visiting one night to keep her company while Dad is away.  I love Aunt Jackie.  I hope she doesn't bring Jessie and Jose though.  I get jealous of them when Mom pets them and they take my chew shoe.

Mom will go to the doctor tomorrow.  She goes to the doctor a lot lately.  I hope she comes home while it is still warm out so we can sit with Aunt Jackie by the pool.

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