Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mom has skinny bones

Mom went in for a blood test on Friday to see if she is ready for the next round of treatment.  Her white counts did not change much, so she will not start on Monday as hoped.  Mom asked to postpone at least until October 14th so she can participate in an important work offsite.  I guess Mom's bones are too skinny to tolerate treatment, so she has to wait.  Lou and me, we love Mom so much, so we are glad to have her felling good while the weather is so gorgeous.  Today mom and Dad set out chairs by the pool so they could sit, sip wine and listen to Jimmy Buffet.  Lou and I laid at their feet which was absolutely bucolic.

Dad has a birthday coming up.  The duffer will be 56 on October 1.  So what?  Lou and me, we will be 70 in dog years on Halloween.  Dad will never catch up to us.

Mom and Dad were so happy today.  I hope they get lots more years to enjoy and love each other.  I love Mom so much.  It was really good to see her so happy.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wine Country Weekend

On September 14th Allen and Jacalyn Spence hosted their first harvest party to promote their wine club.  Dad and two of his friends cooked for the 35 guests and staff, with spouses and some of the guests pitching in to help.  I know all of this because Lou and I were allowed to go with them.  Jesse and Jose, the Spence puppies, irritated us by nipping at our faces, so Lou and I growled and barked at them to make them stop.  We are old dogs who don't have time to be bothered by two female dogs who don't understand us.  Mom and Dad were proud of us because we didn't fence fight with the neighbor dogs which would make Jacalyn crazy. We are getting wiser knowing that if we did stuff Jacalyn doesn't like we don't get to go up there, and we love it up there a lot.  Here is a picture of Lou in the vineyard there during the event:

Dad loves that picture so much he had it printed and framed for his new office.  He promises to get a picture of me too so I don't feel left out.

Several people at the party have known Mom and Dad for some years although we don't see them very often.  Mom doesn't like to tell lots of people about her cancer, only close friends and family because so many people don't understand that she doesn't want them to feel sorry for her.  She just wants to lead a normal life.  One of the gals we see occasionally actually started crying when she told Mom that a friend had told her about the cancer.  Mom was uncomfortable because she doesn't like causing other people to suffer or feel sad.  What she needs is to be understood as a strong woman who intends to be around for as long as her quality of life is maintained.  She doesn't need people to be sad.  The more she can be happy and have fun, the stronger she becomes.  People have their heart in the right place, which makes it difficult to realize that reminding her that she has a deadly disease sucks her energy, while acceptance, love and giving fun times makes her super Mom.

This is what she needs:

Mom with her friend Karin.  They look very happy and pretty together.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chemo session delayed

Mom met with her oncologist today with Dad, the old duffer.  Her doc was very optimistic that Mom is responding well to the treatment, however, her bone marrow is slow to recover.  So treatment is delayed at least one more week.  Mom thought that would be the case, so she made plans to see Jim and Kristin at a house in Scotts Valley where they will be dog/house sitting.  It kinda pissed me off because Lou and me are not welcomed there so Sharon will be watching us.  We love Sharon, but it is not the same as having Mom at home.  We hope they have a good time because we love them, but would rather be home as a pack barking at the neighbors.

Mom is doing good.  She has gained some weight because Dad makes zucchini bread which she loves and helps her regain some of the pounds she has lost. Dad made another batch today and took one of the loaves to the doctor.  Doctor Kushlan was touched as she accepted the still warm bread fresh from the oven.  Dad was glad to hear that Mom is winning the battle.

Dr. Kushlan told Mom that she may only prescribe four treatments this go round, rather that six, which made Mom very hopeful that she is on her way to some good years with Lou and me and, of course that old duffer Dad.  It looks like Mom will outlive me, which means I will live beyond my years in Mom's heart.  That is what a dog lives for more than anything else, to have a legacy of love.  I love Mom so much and I know she loves me more than any dog ever.  My life is fulfilled.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

We see Mom's oncologist tomorrow

We have had a wonderful two weeks.  Mom regained her strength as if she doesn't have cancer.  Dad finished the office remodel, which looks good considering his injured hand and somewhat duffer condition.  Lou and I laid at Dad's feet today as he put the desk together.  Mom came home early to enjoy the warm weather.  Hard to believe Mom and Dad see the oncologist tomorrow which may mean the next round of chemotherapy starts Monday.  It's surreal that Mom has to feel terrible to get better.

Our neighbors up the street, Jay and Kathy, who own Mack, a red Lab who stops buy every day to give us treats, their daughter Erin has colon cancer that attacked adjacent organs and was found in her lymph  nodes.  Mom and Dad went to their house for dinner Sunday evening to see them and to watch the 49er game.  They told Mom about Erin's challenge and asked for Mom to help since Mom has been through chemo and knows what it takes to survive.  Mom helps so many people.  I hope she helps Erin because Lou and me love Jay and Kathy.  We don't want them to be sad.  Cancer is evil.  It is everywhere.  Lou and I are barking alot more now to keep the cancer from getting to anyone else we love.  Watch out cancer we are on the job!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mom is fighting hard

Mom is now a week after chemo infusion.  She looks weary with sunken eyes.  Not like our Mom at all although she is in pretty good spirits.  She goes to work every day then comes home to be with Lou, Dad, and of course me most of all.  She has been going to bed early to get her rest she so badly needs.  She also took lots of naps over the three-day Labor Day weekend.  Although she did entertain Kathy from Portland who stayed at the house.  Mom loves to see her and then she is glad to get back to normal around our house.  It takes a toll on her too having a guest in the house.

Kathy left Monday morning to fly back to Portland.  Then Mom and Dad did yard maintenance until early afternoon.  Then it was blissful sitting by the pool with them in the mild weather.  They also took a long bath and made love late afternoon.  Mom wants to do that with Dad because she loves him, she likes sex, and she wants to be a normal, happily married woman.  Go Mom, go!