Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mom is fighting hard

Mom is now a week after chemo infusion.  She looks weary with sunken eyes.  Not like our Mom at all although she is in pretty good spirits.  She goes to work every day then comes home to be with Lou, Dad, and of course me most of all.  She has been going to bed early to get her rest she so badly needs.  She also took lots of naps over the three-day Labor Day weekend.  Although she did entertain Kathy from Portland who stayed at the house.  Mom loves to see her and then she is glad to get back to normal around our house.  It takes a toll on her too having a guest in the house.

Kathy left Monday morning to fly back to Portland.  Then Mom and Dad did yard maintenance until early afternoon.  Then it was blissful sitting by the pool with them in the mild weather.  They also took a long bath and made love late afternoon.  Mom wants to do that with Dad because she loves him, she likes sex, and she wants to be a normal, happily married woman.  Go Mom, go!

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