Sunday, August 18, 2013

Making Plans

Mom likes to make plans, especially for weekends with Dad, friends, and Lou and me.  Chemo therapy has made it difficult for Mom to plan ahead because the recovery of her blood counts and how she feels dictates if she will be able to be with her friends.  So far, Mom's second round of chemo has been delayed because her white counts have not yet recovered to the level necessary to be safe for retuxant infusion.  Mom's bones, like her, are skinny.  She needs more time than the typical patient to rebuild after treatment.  This means Mom cannot make firm plans which drives her crazy.  Normally we have a rolling 3-month plan of parties and outings to see friends, take in shows, and visit family.  The delay of Mom's treatment has meant the changing of plans, which also makes Mom crazy.  And, she isn't planning ahead, so she is stressed because she needs to have things to look forward to, more than blood tests and when will she get medicine that makes her feel terrible...

Lou and me, we are okay with all of this because when Mom has no plans she likes to stay at home, with us.  Today the weather was really warm so Mom and Dad sat by the pool in the warm air reading, chatting and sharing time together with Lou and me. I got to sit intertwined with Mom's feet poolside most of the afternoon. I love Mom!

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