Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mom is too thin

Mom and Dad went to see Mom's oncologist today.  She still isn't ready for treatment because her platelet level is too low.  This is a new symptom Mom has developed since her last treatment.  Also, she is getting too thin.  To the point where the doctor went beyond chiding her to getting serious about what will happen if she doesn't gain weight.  Mom needs a buffer to fight potential infection.  Her weight in clothes is around 120 pounds.  For a woman of her stature, that is getting stick-skinny.

Dad is pushing Mom to eat more.  It is causing a little friction between then.  I guess Mom doesn't like being told what to do around her eating habits.  It has always been an area of sensitivity for her.

Me on the other hand, I continue to build my physique into a fatter dog every day because our pluot tree and tomatoes are in full swing now.  Dad has cut my food even more to compensate, and I don't even care because I know I will get three to five pluots a day and several sweet and juicy tomatoes too. I wish Mom would come down to the garden with me and we could eat the fruits together.  Then she would be plump like me.

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