Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Preparing for more chemotherapy

Mom and Dad celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary this week.  They were planning to go away for the weekend since 15 years of marriage is a sort of big deal for humans.  They had a difficult time finding someone to sit for Lou and me so they are staying home instead.  I'm good with that because I miss Mom terribly when she is away.  It also seems like she is apprehensive about her upcoming treatment.  She will see her oncologist on Friday.  The expectation is that she will start the second in this series of treatment on the 19th of August.  She was supposed to start today, but her blood isn't ready to take the punishment of the strong medicine.

I can tell Mom is worried and wishes she didn't have to get the medicine again because it makes her so sick and so tired especially the first week of the treatment.  I will do everything I can to help Mom be comfortable and on her way to some good years with her family she loves so much.  I am sorry to see her suffer when she gets the medicine.  It makes me sad.

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