Friday, August 2, 2013

Mom is amazing

Mom came home from work last night with a story to tell.  She was facilitating an offsite meeting when they asked to pause the meeting to recognize Mom for her good work.  Four executives all gave testimonials of how amazing Mom is at work.  They punctuated it with a recognition bonus that let Mom get $5,000 after taxes and stuff.  She was so touched by the gesture that her eyes welled up.

I know Mom is amazing because I am her favorite dog of all time.  What they don't know is that she does all that great stuff at work, she is an awesome Mom and wife at home.  And she is fighting cancer  and getting chemo medicine that makes her feel like crap while she does all that great stuff.  She's one in a million.  Please God, you want her in heaven to take care of stuff up there, but will you let her be with us for a long life?

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