Thursday, July 25, 2013

Friends with blood issues

Mom came home from work cheerful and full of energy.  It was still warm out so she and Dad sat in the garden and then on the back deck talking and drinking wine.  Mom was really happy and bubbly, just like the Mom that everyone loves so much (I love her no matter what).

Then while Dad was making dinner she called one of her long time friends Jacque who also is fighting a blood disorder.  Jacque is really cool because she loves dogs and is a really good mom with two dogs and two great kids.  Mom especially loves her daughter Annette who is like 14 and looks just like Mom and loves clothes just like Mom.  She is like Mom's minnie me.  Jacque is suffering from a blood disorder that gets a similar treatment that Mom gets, but has different symptoms.  Mom and Jacque have been friends for like 30 years, which, as a dog, is impossible for me to comprehend since I will never see 20.  They love each other like sisters.  They used to work together at some big house called Rohlm Corporation in the Silicon Valley.  Is it coincidence that they both have blood disorders about the same time?  Was there something that caused it from their work in the Silicon Valley?

Mom also connected with Sandee who's man partner is getting treated for cancer of the scrotum.  even thinking about that makes me shiver and bark.  Ugh.  Mark is going through chemo treatment and seems to be doing good so far.  I gave two extra barks tonight to let Mark know we re all hoping and praying he gets through this in good shape.

We are all pulling for Jacque to be okay because she is a wonderful person and Mom loves her alot, and for Mark because he is a good guy and like to come over to watch the Academy Awards every year with Mom and Dad.  Mom has so much on her shoulders, I wish I could do more to help.  Lou and I did extra barking tonight to make sure the cancer and germs and stuff can't get to Mom.  I love you so much Mom, I hope you know that I do all that I can to help you.  We love you so much!


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