Sunday, July 7, 2013

Treatment will start soon

Mom starts treatment on July 15.  She's worried about the side effects of the chemo.  Well, I hope she does okay.
We had a big party on Saturday with more than 35 of mom's friends coming over for pizza and drinks and fun.  I got several pizza "parts"  that were "dropped" by guests.  I'm getting fat.  At least dad says so.  I don't care.  I'm a dog!
Mom wanted to have the party to see her friends before she starts treatment.  She cannot risk too much exposure to other people once she starts 'cause she will have less immune defenses.  I hope she will be okay.  She can still see me and my brother, so I'm here to help her through whatever bad stuff might happen.
Dad and mom were together in the garden today talking.  Mom cried because she is scared to die.  She is worried about dad after she is gone.  Dad doesn't want to go on on without her.  I guess that's love.
Hopefully the medicine will help mom be okay.  It is likely I might outlive her.  I'm 10 which is not young for a golden retriever.  Dad says let's enjoy the time we have together and try not to be sad.
I love mom.  I don't want her to suffer.  I don't want her to die.  Please God, please let the medicine give mom more good life with us.

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