Saturday, July 27, 2013


Mom came home somewhat earlier than normal from work to enjoy the warm weather.  She sat on the back deck reading the Chronicle as if it was the best reading in the world.  Dad joined her to support her but he finds the paper to be boring.  Mom loves to read about movies and plays and celebrity gossip.  I have no idea what any of that is because us dogs only know what goes on at the fence and in the yard.  If people who make movies are interesting, Lou and me, we could care less.

The neighbor cat came up limp today as Dad looks after the critters next door.  He stressed about that until he found out the cat is a hypochondriac kitty who is old and pretty much a pain in the litter box.  Lou and me we hate it when Dad goes next door to feed the cat and the bunnies, only because we want him to be safe.  When Mom came home today BOTH of them went next door so Lou and I had do a whole lot of barking to keep them safe.  We wish they wouldn't do that!

Mom is really feeling normal again, although she and Dad talked about what she went through and how to prepare for the next round. She is so beautiful. I love her so much. I want her to be healthy, happy and safe.  She is already gorgeous and loving and so magnetic.  Please God, keep Mom happy for all the years of her life.

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