Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mom is so strong

Mom had her second treatment today.  She did great because I slept on the bed with her and kept the cancer from hurting her any more.  She ate breakfast and even lunch during her infusion.  Afterward she came home and walked Lou and me over a mile and and a half with Dad.  Mom is so strong.  I love her and that is what makes me strong.  The cancer will not kill her before I go to dog heaven, I am sure of it.  It will be hard on mom when I pass, but that will be years from now.  I know that she will remember me with love and that is what life of a dog is all about.

Dad was really happy today too.  He loves Mom almost as much as I do.  He was with her for both treatments this week.  He does all he can to take care of her.  Just like I do.  We are both like that - like dogs - loyal, loving, not too much about talking, but Mom knows we love her and will do anything we can to keep her safe.  She has to fight the cancer from inside her body.  Dad, me and Lou, we do everything we can from beside her.  I will sleep so good tonight knowing she is getting better.

Dad says we have to keep it up, though, because the medicine will be working inside Mom's body which will make her susceptible to infection.  Dad says he will sanitize the house every morning so Mom has the best chance at home possible.  It worries him when she goes to work because there can be germs hiding at her work.  If I were there with her no germs would dare touch Mom.  All I can do is help Dad at home.  Lou and I will bark alot so that germs don't dare come hurt Mom.

She didn't eat dinner tonight which worried Dad a lot.  He does what he can to encourage her, but food is not a priority for Mom like it is for me.  I would eat her dinner if Dad would give it to me.  Dad is worried she will get too thin and won't be strong anymore.  I will show Mom that eating is easy if anyone will give me food.

Dad and Mom looked so happy tonight.  I love being their dog.  Lou and I love them so much.


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